Whether it is in the bathroom, the bedroom, in the kitchen or near the stairs, safety grab bars add many benefits around the home or office.
Stability & Balance
Keep your balance when getting in & out of the bath or shower with the convenience of safety grab bars. Wet surfaces are one of the main reasons for accidents in the bathroom. Grab bars, whether it is a mounted type, or suction type, ensure that you have a solid and strong "third arm".
As mentioned, safety grab bars can be used just about anywhere around the house. If you have a relative or friend staying in your home, quick and easy suction grab bars that can be removed in seconds add safety around your house. Grab bars come in a variety of styles, designs and types. Steel knurled bars, swivel mount bars, suction bars, specialized bath and bedroom grab bars and more.
Which Grab Bar is right for me?
First, decide where you want to add a grab bar around your home. If the bathroom is in need of more safety, then Steel Knurled Bars (most popular option) or Suction grab bars are the best bet. If getting in and out of the bed requires added assistance, then Bed Assist bars come in a variety of options such as Floor to ceiling mounts, bed side mounts and more.
Safety is an issue that every home should look at seriously and grab bars are an easy first step towards a safer and happier home.
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