Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hooray!! We've Been Featured in Zoomer Magazine!

Hooooooooooooray!! AgeComfort has been featured in the latest June issue of Zoomer Magazine!
Read us on page 102.

We are actually running free shipping program right now until May 26. Seize your opportunity to save on shipping and get the products making your life more comfortable, healthier and easier. :)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

AgeComfort Presents: DR. HO’S Products

AgeComfort is proud to announce the introduction of DR. HO’s products, now available at our discounted prices.

About Dr. Ho
Dr. Michael Ho is a caring Doctor of Chiropractic and Acupuncture, and has been practicing and teaching for more than 18 years. He has devoted his life to the study of natural medicine and self-care and believes that the body has incredible healing powers and under the right conditions can potentially restore its functions.

His philosophy is to identify and correct the underlying cause of the discomfort, not just mask the pain. In most cases, the cause of one's discomfort can be multiple and complex. But Dr. Ho recognizes that some elements are common amongst people who suffer from similar conditions. Armed with this knowledge, Dr. Ho works with innovative engineers and scientists to develop products designed and formulated to help address the specific underlying causes of a problem.

DR. HO’S Products Sold on AgeComfort

- DR-HO’S Dual Muscle Therapy System

DR-HO'S Dual Muscle Therapy System
is the latest innovation to help relieve muscle tension and pain in just 20 minutes. It is a professional device used by Chiropractors and Physiotherapist. It was developed by Dr. Michael Ho, a Chiropractor and Acupuncturist, at his Pain and Headache Clinic in Toronto, Canada for his patients.

Studies conducted by Dr. Stuart M. McGill, PhD. and commissioned by Dr. Michael Ho found that DR-HO’S device can (1) significantly relieve pain; (2) significantly reduce muscle tension and spasms; (3) increase tissue oxygenation; and (4) increase circulation. See more details and view video of DR. HO's Dual Muscle Therapy System.

- DR HO’s Neck Comforter

Modern day lifestyles are more stressful and busy than ever. We work longer hours and constantly have more demands placed upon us. As a result more people seem to be suffering from headaches, neck and shoulder pain and upper limb problems caused by poor posture, physical stress, computer work, driving long distances, sitting for long periods of time, poor sleeping habits, and emotional stress. It is no surprise that these are the four most common conditions that Dr. Ho has treated during his nineteen years of practice as a chiropractor and acupuncturist. That is why he developed the Neck Comforter.

Treatable Conditions
• Tension and stiffness in neck and shoulders
• Sore neck and shoulders
• Headaches from neck tension
• Stiff neck
• Compressed Disc (shown on x-rays)
• Numbness, weakness, cold sensation in the arms and /or hands
• Pinched Nerves in the neck causing pain
• Bad Posture from work, aging, injuries, bad habits
• Stress causing neck and shoulder tension
• Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
• Repetitive injuries in the upper limb

- DR. HO’s Digestive Detox

Having studied, worked and lived in different countries, Dr. Ho noticed that digestive health is important no matter where you live especially, believe it or not, in developed countries. While in China, Dr. Ho observed that the use of natural herbs for digestive detoxification and cleansing has been widely practiced for centuries. The Chinese have known for years the importance of cleansing the digestive system of toxins and waste on a regular basis is the key to optimal health. In fact, the Chinese drink herbal teas on a regular basis to promote their overall health and wellness.

After years of observation and scientific research into many different Eastern and Western ingredients known to help to address digestive health, Dr. Ho, along with the help of his son Vincent Ho, developed DR-HO’S Digestive Detox system.

Dr. HO’S complete digestive health care system has helped people live a healthier life, and he believes DR-HO’S Digestive Detox system will continue to improve many people’s life. Please write us and let us know how it has helped you. We look forward to hearing from you.

- DR Ho’s Supplements

DR. HO’S devotion to the study of natural medicine ultimately led to his launch of his of DR-HO’S supplements. Working with a team of scientists, Dr. Ho formulated a line of supplements targeted specifically for the most common health conditions. Throughout his years as a doctor, Dr. Ho has always felt that the potential side effects of medications and drugs could outweigh the benefits. With this in mind, he only used all-natural ingredients known to be both safe and effective for his supplements.

To date, Dr. Ho has developed supplements for conditions such as joint pain, high cholesterol, poor digestion, meal replacements, and cold and flu.

Please visit AgeComfort.com to see more DR HO's products.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

How to Prevent and Deal With Allergies

    Spring is here and so are the allergies.
    Try some preventative and natural remedies to prevent spring
    allergies this year.

  • Keep windows closed during spring allergy season to keep pollen and dust from blowing into your house. Change your sheets as often as possible.
  • Run your air conditioner and air filters to absorb the pollen and dust from the air in your home. Don't use window or attic fans, which can bring more pollen into the home.

  • Probiotics are good for helping the immune system break down the allergens.Probiotics are food and dietary supplements containing good bacteria found in our bodies. By restoring the balance of bacteria, many believe we can allow the immune system to fight back. Probiotics naturally occur in miso and other fermented foods, such as yogurts containing live, active cultures.
  • Take natural supplements to strengthen your immunity. Look for natural anti-allergy supplements which are a combination of herbs, enzymes, and nutrients which are designed to fight acute allergy attacks.
  • If you have red itchy eyes or red face maybe you should try acupressure. Each eyebrow can be massaged inside and outside, plus the point of your upper nose between your eyes. Hold your index fingers on the point between both eyes for 30 seconds at a time 3 times a day. The Eye Sinus Pac also provides soothing relief from siuns congestion, eye strain and headache pain.

  • Drink fluids during an attack. When you are having an allergy attack, while you wait for your allergy medicine to kick in, drink lots of fluids. You will lose a lot of fluids from a runny nose and watery eyes, so you will need to replenish the fluids in your body. In addition, drinking lots of water will help to flush the allergens from your body, and therefore provide sinus allergy relief.
  • If you want immediate allergy and sinus relief then expose yourself to steam. Fill up a pot of water, bring it to a boil, and turn the burner off. Stand with a towel over your head to block in the steam and breathe in as much steam as you can. This will loosen up your sinuses and make you feel much better.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Top 10 Tips to Fight Cold and Flu Naturally

The best time to fight cold and flu is when you do not have it. Prevention is always better than cure. However, what can you do to make it go away faster when you catch it? We have put together a list of some tips to help fight and keep cold and flu at bay.

Tip #1 Boost Immune System

Recurring colds may be caused by our weakened immune system, too much stress and lack of sleep.

It’s very important to strengthen our immune system before and even during the time we have a cold. Using natural immune support supplements can help keep us healthy and feeling better. Natural immune support supplements can safely minimizes symptoms and promote quick relief.

Vitamin A B, C, Zinc and probiotics have been for years well-known for boosting immune system. Using herbal supplements such as garlic, ginger and Echinacea is also very good to help achieve the best result.

Tip #2 Take Vitamin C

Vitamin C is very good for the relief of cold symptoms and helps our body to recover. Usually, the best source of vitamins C is fresh fruit and vegetables. However, using vitamin C supplements can more convenient if you really don’t have energy to go grocery shopping while you’re sick.

Tip #3 Take Zinc Supplements or Suck on Zinc Lozenges

Research shows that zinc lozenges reduce the severity and duration of cold and flu symptoms, especially sore throat. Zinc is directly toxic to the cold virus and stimulates our immune system to produce antibodies to destroy the virus. It’s better to suck on, not swallow the zinc lozenges. Smaller doses more frequent use seems work well.

Tip #4 Herbal Remedies

A. Garlic

This pungent herb has been widely used to treat colds by many ancient civilizations such as Chinese, Egyptians and The Romans. Garlic has strong anti-bacterial elements that help strengthen the immune system to fight the cold symptoms. If you don’t mind the odor, eat a few cloves of peeled garlic to prevent or fight the cold. If you really can’t take the odor, garlic supplements are easier and more convenient.

B. Ginger

Ginger is one of the nature’s antiviral herbs which is also an antiseptic and antioxidant. It’s very valuable for preventing and treating colds, sore throats and nasal problems caused by the cold. Try to add some ginger to your food. Making a cup of ginger tea will not only help you treat colds but also soothe your stuffed nose and sore throat. Ginger supplement forms like tincture, capsules or gel is a more convenient way.

C. Echinacea

Echinacea has been used by American Native Indians for hundreds of years. From 19 century, Europeans have grown Echinacea and did a lot of research on its effects of treating colds. Echinacea increases the defense mechanisms against virus and bacteria attacks and at the same time it enhances our immune system. Echinacea works the best before you get an onset cold or flu. So when you feel the cold coming on, take Echinacea supplements or drink Echinacea tea. It’ll give the best chance of a quick recovery.

D. Goldenseal

Try goldenseal for cold and flu to prevent sinus infection. It tends to encourage the proper drainage of the sinus cavities. It prevents severity of colds, flu, sore throats and fevers by preventing sinus and mucous membrane infection and inflammation. Please note that goldenseal should not be taken if you’re pregnant or could become pregnant, have high blood pressure, take medicine to control blood pressure, have a bleeding or blood clotting disorder, or if you take a medicine to control or prevent such a disorder.

Tip #5 Apply Hot or Cold Packs Around Your Congested Sinuses

Either temperature may help you feel more comfortable. Sinus pack is a great and convenient choice for you.

Tip #6 Drink Plenty of Liquids (Warm and Hot is Best)

Water is the best. Drink at least 8-10 glasses per day. It helps you “flush” the virus out of your system. Hot liquids relieve nasal congestion, help prevent dehydration, and can soothe the uncomfortably inflamed membranes that line your nose and throat.

Tip #7 Wash Your Hands Regularly

Cold and flu usually spreads among people through coughing, sneezing or hand-to-hand contact. The virus can live on everyday surfaces such as supermarket shopping cart for several hours. Washing your hands regularly can minimize the chance of getting a virus. Also, try to keep your hands away from your eyes and nose.

Tip #8 Try Not to Consume Sugary Food and Drinks

Don’t Eat and Drink Junk Food and Sugary Food and Drinks

When we have a cold or flu, our body is under so much stress and our immune system is very weak. Heavy meals take a lot of energy to digest as your body is trying to use all the resource it can get to fight with the virus and the cold symptoms. It’s better to stay away from heavy and highly processed food.

Sugary food and drinks weaken your immune system and promote yeast overgrowth which worsens your digestive system. This includes all kinds of soda pop which contains more than 8 teaspoons of sugar per can.

Tip # 9 Take Hot Showers

Hot and steamy showers moisturize our nasal passages and relax our body. We usually feel warmer and more comfortable after a nice hot shower.

Tip #10 Rest

Take time off! Adequate rest helps you get rid of your cold quickly. Make sure to give yourself enough time every night for proper sound sleep.

While our tips can really help, they are only suggestions. If feeling very sick, it is best to consult your doctor.